The Colorful Ice Block Igloo

A few years ago I saw a picture of an ice igloo online, where a guy in Canada had taken cardboard cartons, filled them with water, and dropped food coloring inside, and let them freeze for a few days in order to make sold colorful ice blocks.

He than stacked the blocks and made an AWESOME looking igloo that him and his girlfriend could sit inside.

Check out the one my family built:

With a lot of help from my brother, and the rest of my family, we saved our cartons for a few months.   Over the course of a few weeks, we let the colorful blocks freeze outside.  Its been a relatively warm winter in my part of the USA, so it took a few days for each batch of blocks to freeze.   Putting them inside a large freezer sped up the process quite a bit.  If the blocks were left in too long though, they started to expand and break out of the carton.  (Making it impossible to reuse the cartons again for the next batch of blocks.)

If I had to do it again, I would have gotten these Disposable Bread Pans off of Amazon (Or maybe found a few sizes larger as those pans are kinda small.

Overall it was a very fun project.  It took us about 2 hours to assemble the igloo.  I used a mixture of water and snow as ‘glue’ between the blocks. It helps the blocks freeze almost instantly onto the igloo and was especially helpful when making the curve up toward the top.


Here are some more pictures:20140205_221631 20140205_210132 20140205_222201 20140205_221656 20140205_221640 20140206_174018 20140205_210205 20140205_210116