How I put an extra Fuel Tank on my Ducati Monster s2r 800

Its always stressed me out on long motorcycle rides knowing when the next gas station was.. With a 3 gallon tank on my sport bike, I needed to make stops about every 150 miles. When you drive through Utah and Wyoming some of the gas stations are 20-40+ miles apart. The extra fuel tank gives me a little more piece of mind. I made a video of how the install was done:

Click HERE to buy an extra MSR Fuel Tank of your own. (From

The pipe clamp I used is rated to 300 pounds. So I shouldn’t have any breakage issues. I might add another clamp on there so it’ll be super secure. Bolts can be picked up on Amazon or at any parts store. You’ll need to get ones that match the width of your motorcycle frame. The mounting bolt size is 3/8 by 16 thread size. Being stranded in the middle of nowhere in a strange place is one of the worse things that can happen.

I took my seat off and drilled a hole (slightly larger than the bolt size) directly through the frame. I made sure it was at the correct angle to avoid the back plastics and license plate. After that I just screwed the padded pipe clamp onto the bolt and that was it. Not too difficult.

Here is the pipe clamp that I used.

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